
Top Board Games for When It’s Wet and Windy | Blogtober

There’s nothing worse than being stuck inside when the weather is wet and windy. Living in Cornwall for Uni is great, but the weather over the last few weeks has been awful so we’ve been cracking the games…

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Some oldies, some newbies and some I have absolutely no idea how to play. There’s nothing like a good game when you’re bored. Snakes and Ladders, Buckeroo and Ker-Plunk are such throwbacks to my childhood. You’re never too old for a good throwback. Jumanji isn’t actually as hard as I thought it would be. The Jurassic Park game is actually impossible. I have no clue how to play it still! I haven’t actually played Monopoly or Cluedo before just because no one ever wants to play them with how long they take. Trivial Pursuit and The Best of TV and Movies are just classics and Cards Against Humanity is a great way to pass the time.

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