
The ‘Scooby-Doo Where Are You’ Book Tag

Happy Tag Thursday!

Today’s tag was found over at A Dance With Books and I am excited about it. I love Scooby Doo and I instantly clicked ‘like’ the second I saw it. Don’t forget to check out Annemieke’s post here!


  • Credit Annemieke @ A Dance with Books as the creator of the tag. Please tag/tweet me your posts, I’d love to see
  • Feel free to use the original graphics.
  • Thank the person who tagged you.
  • Answer the questions.
  • Tag as many people as you want.

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If You Could Have an Animal Companion from Any Book Which Would You Choose?

41nhwSZQA7L._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_Camden. A mountain cat, now that is powerful. Jules and Camden are the only thing I like about this book so I’ll happily take both of them to be fair.


What is the Scariest Book You’ve Read

46376586._SY475_I don’t read horrors, so I’ve not read a book that I found scary. Cherry Nova definitely had darker tones than I’m used to.


What is Your Favourite Kind of Science to see in a Book

Ooof I’m really not a science person. Maybe astronomy, because I love stars and I think an SFF book with astronomy in it would be quite cool. I don’t think I’ve seen that before and it would be quite interesting. Ugh I really want an astronomy SFF book now!


Who is Your All Time Favourite Character Who Identifies as Male

king-of-scarsThat’s hard!!! There’s so many, but Nikolai is my boy! I love him, for the love of god Leigh don’t hurt him anymore!


Who is Your All Time Favourite Character Who Identifies as Female

Scarlet_(Official_Book_Cover)_by_Marissa_MeyerYou’re really coming at me with the difficult questions now. Again, there are so many but for this one I’ve gone with Scarlet.


What is Your Favourite Human/Animal Relationship in a Book

25181955I was going to go with Manon and Abraxos but then I remembered Kellen and Reichis. The relationship between human and animal is funnier when one (usually the animal) can talk and is just done with everything.


What is Your Favourite Female Friendship

rebel-of-the-sands-1We’re getting a lot of cute female friendships now in YA. Finally. But I do love Amani and Shazad. The development of it through the trilogy is amazing.


Share One Food or Dish From a Book That You Would Love to Make

9780747532699Honestly, I don’t pay that much attention to food in books. Harry Potter does have a lot of different food mentioned so we’ll go with that – even though I probably won’t be able to make any of it.


What Kind of Transportation from a Book Would You Love to Have or Use

51ux4fzorkLOK, now I’m going with Abraxos. It would be pretty awesome to just fly everywhere and it seems a more comfortable than a broomstick.


Which Character is the Most Annoying That You Have Ever Found in a Book

91Dz0CVeJyLI could make a very extensive post for all the characters I find annoying because there are a lot of them! Particularly sisters. The other sister that isn’t the MC is usually insanely annoying, but I’m going with Clary because my god she’s annoying!


What is Your Favourite Mystery or Detective Book

81jwv2j+Y8LI really haven’t read that many mystery books because I’ve only just discovered that I like that genre so I’m going with the only one I’ve read.


What is Your Favourite Element in a Paranormal Story

I don’t really know. I haven’t read that many paranormal’s so I don’t really have great opinions on it. With that being said, I guess the mystery element. They have certain tonnes about them which is quite unique I think.


What Was Your Last Middle Grade Read

I don’t know. I don’t read much middle grade anymore so I don’t really have an answer because I genuinely can’t remember.


Which Modern Day Retelling of a Classic or Fairy-tale Surprised You

30097276I don’t do well with Beauty and the Beast retellings so I was so surprised when I actually liked this one!


Lovecraft: What Was a Book That Showed You the Best Horrors Other People Can Do to Each Other?

9781785763687Er I’m not sure I understand the question. But we’ll go with this even though I don’t think best and horrors really belong in the same sentence.


Which 2019 Release Did You Read Recently

71AuWgN2H7LI’m reading a lot of back-list books lately. My mood is clearly not feeling many new releases.


Which Book of the Last Year Had the Best Plot Twist

I don’t really know. I don’t think I’ve really had a book with a big plot twist in a while. I can’t think of any of the top of my head. I’ve definitely read books that weren’t predictable, but no big twist.

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I Tag:

Dora @ Berries and Books

Nia @ Shades 0f Paper

Jill @ Jill’s Book Blog

Ash @ For The Love of Books

Lauren @ Northern Plunder

Jenn @ Jenniely

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4 thoughts on “The ‘Scooby-Doo Where Are You’ Book Tag

  1. What Was a Book That Showed You the Best Horrors Other People Can Do to Each Other? > I think I missed a word there ‘…showed the best what horrors other people can do to each other. ‘
    Your description of Reichis makes me want to pick up Spellslinger again. I started it but wasn’t quite so drawn in at the time so I left it a bit. But clearly I need to commit just for Reichis.


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