Top 5 Wednesday

Top 5 Wednesday | Favourite Friendships

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly book meme created by Samantha and Lainey. Each Wednesday there is a new topic where you can discuss your Top 5 in relation to that topic.

You can join the T5W group on GoodReads and see each weekly topic here.

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T5W is on hiatus over the Summer so I will be doing some rewind topics that I’ve missed instead.

This weeks topic is: Favourite Friendships...(I did do SFF BFFs a few weeks ago so these friendships are excluding the friendships mentioned there)

The Golden Trio — The OG’s. It was a friendship I grew up with so why wouldn’t it make it on this list.

Emma and Cristina — I love them! It’s definitely my favourite friendship of the Shadowhunters world.

Dorian and Chaol — They’ve gone through some bumps but their friendship has survived and I love it!

Kell and Rhy — Again, I just love them. I don’t think their friendship is given enough time in the trilogy if I’m honest.

Amani and Shazad —- Their friendship grew so quick basically into sisterhood and was one of my favourite parts of the trilogy.

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