
The Hamilton Book Tag

Happy Tag Thursday!

Today’s tag was once again found over at Pretty Purple Polka Dots so make sure you check out her post here!

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The Room Where it Happened

Book World You Would Put Yourself In

51jLiPizRbL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_I want to be in the Grishaverse so bad! Ugh! Let me be in Ravka as a Grisha the rest I couldn’t care about I just want to be there.

The Schuyler Sisters

Underrated Female Character

Scarlet_(Official_Book_Cover)_by_Marissa_MeyerI don’t see enough people talking about the Lunar Chronicles, especially Scarlet who is an utter bad-ass and underappreciated.

My Shot

A Character That Goes After What They Want and Doesn’t Let Anything Stop Them

81jwv2j+Y8LPip’s resilience and determination to solve the case even with threats on her life is very admirable and not necessarily a character many would consider here.

Stay Alive

A Character You Wish Was Still Alive

Harry_Potter_and_the_Deathly_HallowsI’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times, Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks did not deserve to die!


The Most Heartbreaking End to a Relationship You’ve Ever Read

18584855I never majorly get into the romance aspect of the books I read and nine times out of ten, they end well. But with Heartless it’s just soul crushing.

You’ll Be Back

Sassiest Villain

34323570Corian, what a legend. Why do I kind of like him? I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to like him! Damn it!

The Reynolds Pamphlet

A Book With a Twist That You Didn’t See Coming

33877168It’s rare if I don’t guess the plot twist and looking back this had a plot twist I definitely should have seen coming, but I was so into it I completely missed it.


A Series You Marathoned

obsidian-entangled-teenPretty sure I’ve never read a series so fast. I instantly ordered the next when I finished one and couldn’t stop.


Favourite Book With Multiple POV

51fnkxCLu8L._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_I definitely think Crows handles multiple POVs better than most books. It’s very obvious when you’re switching characters instead of switching mid-chapter.

Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story

A Book/Series You Think Will Be Remembered Throughout History

Harry_Potter_and_the_Philosopher's_Stone_Book_CoverI think it’s obvious Potter will last a long time. Between the books, movies and merchandise it’s pretty much everywhere.


A Relationship You Were Pulling For From the Start

61qc3kvbhal._sx324_bo1,204,203,200_Marianne and Bronn are adorable! I really hope they end up together in some way by the end of the trilogy.

Ten Duel Commandments

Favourite Fight Scene

You’d think with the amount of fantasy and stuff I read I would have a favourite fight scene, but I honestly don’t think I’ve read one that has really stood out for me. I know some bad fight scenes, but not one that has been my favourite part of the book.

Say No To This

Guilty Pleasure Read

I’m not guilty about any of the books I read. There isn’t any I’d refuse to tell people I’ve read or try not to mention.

What Comes Next

A Series You Wished Had More Books

rebel-of-the-sands-1The trilogy is good, but I’d definitely read more. It’s enough to come to a good conclusion, but still leaves the option for more open.

Right Hand Man

Favourite BroTP

51US9dqTOfL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_Chaol and Dorian. They go through some rough patches but I love their friendship, it’s probably the strongest relationship in the series if I’m honest.

What I Miss

A Book/Series You Were Late to Reading

la-et-renegades-cover-20170515I still haven’t read it. I do own the first two books now. I bought them last weekend. I kept putting it off because I didn’t like the UK paperback covers, but I recently found better covers so it was a complete impulse buy.

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I Tag

Dora @ Berries and Books

Nia @ Shades 0f Paper

Jill @ Jill’s Book Blog

Ash @ For The Love of Books

Lauren @ Northern Plunder

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