Top 5 Wednesday

Top 5 Wednesday | Give Me More

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly book meme created by Samantha and Lainey. Each Wednesday there is a new topic where you can discuss your Top 5 in relation to that topic.

You can join the T5W group on GoodReads and see each weekly topic here.

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This weeks topic is: Give Me More – There are some fantastic standalone books out there, but don’t you sometimes wish there was more? A sequel or even a companion novel? What are five books that you wish you got more of?

Angel Mage – I wasn’t massively into this book, but there were two characters I was very invested in and if a book came out with them I would be there in a heartbeat.

Unchained – JLA is so good at writing series so why is this a standalone!

Sherwood – I have no idea how you’d write more because the story was very contained and came to a good end, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t read it if something else did happen.

Heartless – This book broke me! I don’t think it needs a sequel but I think a novella of short stories would be good.

To Kill a Kingdom – Again, this isn’t something that needs more, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it.

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