
Pokemon Go Book Tag

Happy Tag Thursday!

Today’s Tag was found over at LauReads so check out her post here! I just had to do this tag because I loved Pokemon when I was a kid and between Pokemon Go and Detective Pikachu my love is coming right back!

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The Book That Started Your Love For Reading

s-l300I’ve always read every now and again, but it was finding this series when I was about 9 that had me pre-ordering and waiting for the next book. It was also the first series I ever read


An Iconic Classic You’ll Always Love

9780747532699Can we classify Potter as classic now? I think sufficient time has passed since it was released so Potter, no matter how much J.K tries to ruin it.


A Book You Lost Interest In Because It’s Literally Everywhere

51US9dqTOfL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_I’ve read all bar the last in the series but it has taken me a long time to even through those. To be honest there are many reasons I lost interest in this series.


A Book That Reminds You Of Another Book You Love

51X8n3elYaL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_It’s not really the story itself, but more the characters. Particularly Kai from Fireblood reminds me so much of Nikolai Lantsov.


A Book/Series You Haven’t Started Because of Sheer Size

71ltjo00zrlI’m not a huge fan of the TV show either so do I really want to take my time to try and read a book of that size if I won’t like it?


A Book That Kept You Up Late at Night

23766634I started this after I’d got home from college when it came out and read it until I’d finished. Which was about 2 am.


Your Bookish OTP

king-of-scarsI have many, many bookish OTPs. Feysand, Scarlet/Wolf, Nesta/Cassian…But my current loves are Zoya and Nikolai. When they get their act together anyway.


A Fire-Hot, Fast Paced Read

rebel-of-the-sands-1Rebel doesn’t get enough appreciation. The whole trilogy is so good! There’s great characters, a great plot and no second book syndrome!


A Series You’ll Never Get Tired of Reading Spin-Offs For

51jLiPizRbL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_I’ll literally read anything Leigh ever writes within the Grishaverse. I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of this series.


A Series That Was Surprisingly Awesome

obsidian-entangled-teenIn a way the Lux series is everything I thought I hated, but weirdly really enjoyed. I’m still not sure how/why I loved it so much.


An Over-Hyped Series You’re Still Excited To Read

9780316551663_p0_v2_s550x406I wouldn’t say this series is over-hyped, but there’s definitely some hype. I’ve put HPD here since I had read Stalking Jack the Ripper and I do want to continue at some point.

Mew & MewTwo

A Collectors Edition You Wish You Owned

61oKcV3SNiLIt looks so good! But I haven’t actually read the book yet, so I’m going to read it first and if I like it I’ll invest.


A Debut Novel You’re Excited For

36558159Even though it seems this book might be romance-heavy/lead I’m very intrigued. And with a cover like that how can I not be.

Lure Module

An Auto Buy Author

The Queens Sarah J. Maas and Leigh Bardugo! There are many other authors I also love but they haven’t written that many yet so there’s likely going to be more!

Servers Down

A Release You’ve Been Waiting For Forever

40523458I feel like I’ve been waiting for this one for ages! I need to get a copy asap!

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I Tag Anyone Who Hasn’t Done This Tag!

name l

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